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Erasmus+ project: "Roots & Wings" !


Our project's aim is to take the pupils and parents' points of views about their Ideal school as a starting point to provide our pupils with the willingness to learn and have them experience the fun of learning
If we want our pupils to take ownership of their learning trajectory, we need to assess their needs and intelligence profiles first. To do this, we want to find out how our partners abroad manage to enthuse their pupils.
We would like our parents and learners to share and observe innovative practices in a multitude of areas:
- The way in which parents are involved in their children’s work at school: parenthood and educational cooperation;
- Collaboration within and between classes;
- Role of the parents’ associations within the school and usage of internet platforms in this context;
- Inclusion of pupils’ views in assessment;
- Position of new technologies (interactive boards, blogs, internet platforms, web radios, videoconferencing..

Roots and Wings' (R.A.W.) partners
School "Albert Camus" - Tourcoing
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© 2023 by R.A.W's team. 

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